WISCONSIN: Marriage goes back to court – TOMORROW

On Tuesday, August 26, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago will hear oral arguments on Wisconsin’s Marriage Protection Amendment that prohibits homosexual marriage.

In June of this year, liberal U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb ruled that Wisconsin’s 2006 Marriage Protection Amendment, voted on and approved by nearly 60% of those voting in Wi, was unconstitutional.  Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen appealed Crabb’s decision to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The Wisconsin case is joined by a similar case from Indiana. Wisconsin Family Action has already issued an amicus (friend-of-the-court) brief in the Indiana case; that brief will suffice for both cases as they are now being considered together.

It is unclear when the Federal Court will issue a final decision.

“Wisconsin Unites for Marriage,” a pro-homosexual group based in Wisconsin, formed by the ACLU, Fair Wisconsin and Freedom to Marry is planning a “marriage bus tour” to Chicago that day and a rally after the hearing.

WFA president Julaine Appling, will attend the hearing  on behalf of WFA and the others represented in the friend-of-the-court brief and shares, “There’s something more critical Christians can do than showing up there—and that is pray.  We covet your prayers for this hearing. We also urge Christians to visit wifamilycouncil.org and sign our Marriage Declaration.  That too is very important. We can do way better than 3000.

Star-Spangled Sunday! 9/14 – Anniversary of Our National Anthem – JOIN IN!

Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the Star Spangled Banner!  
An inspirational event for churches and small groups!

“Together we will learn the forgotten story of the great acts of faith behind our National Anthem.” – Family Research Council

Participate in the 90-minute webinar event on Sunday, September 14, 6 p.m. CST. Be challenged by the story and the speakers, which include Tony Perkins, Pastor Mark Harris, Rick Scarborough, and more!

>>>>>Click HERE to learn more about this FREE event that you can bring to your congregation, your friends and neighbors, and your small groups!

Coming to Wisconsin? – What are you willing to stand up for?

From the desk of Wisconsin Family Action president Julaine Appling:

Coming to Wisconsin?

“Hello.  This is Tom’s Limousine Service.  We take you where you want to go in style!  How can I help you?”

“Hi, Tom.  This is Tyler Jones.  I’m looking to book your services for my wedding on Saturday afternoon, September 13. My fiancé and I want you to take us and the wedding party from the park where we are getting married to the reception.  The park is in Waukesha and the reception is in Milwaukee.  Can you do that?”

“Sure, Tyler.  I have a limo available for that day.  I just need some information from you.  How many in your wedding party?”

“Well, let’s see.  There’s John and me and then Steve, Chuck, Scott, and Hank.”

“Ok.  That’s 6 guys.  And how many girls in addition to your bride?”

“ Oh. None.  John and I decided we wanted all men in the wedding party.”

“Um, well, uh, so you are marrying John?  Wow. This is difficult for me, Tyler, but I’m going to have to refer you to another limo service in the area who will give you the same price I would.  I’m happy to make that call for you right now.”

“What?? You just told me you had the day open and a car available. Why are you now telling me you won’t provide a limo for me and John?  Oh, I get it. It’s because we’re gay, right?

“Well, not exactly.  It’s not because of your sexual orientation. It’s because this is a wedding. That takes it to a different level.  But again, I’m happy to call another limo service who I am sure will be pleased to have your business.”

“I don’t want another limo service. I want yours.  You’re one of those Christians, aren’t you, who believe marriage is only for a man and a woman.  You are fine with discriminating against me just because I happen to love a man.  That’s just great.  I guess there really are homophobic, hateful bigots who just can’t stand the idea of men being in loving and committed relationships.”

“Look, I’m not judging you about who you love; I am just saying I can’t provide you limo service your wedding.  But, hey, let me call Sam’s Limo Service. He’s a great guy and will give you an excellent price and service. “

“I don’t want Sam’s Limo Service.  John and I want you to provide the limo for our wedding.  Since you’re telling me your religion is standing in the way of my happiness, I guess we’ll just have to see where this goes.”

“I’m sorry you’re upset.  It’s true that I run my business according to Christian principles.  That doesn’t mean I hate you; it means I disagree with you on marriage.  This is America.  Surely we can just agree to disagree, and I can refer you to another limo service.”

religious freedom“No, we can’t just agree to disagree on this. I have a fundamental right to marry whomever I want and according to Wisconsin’s law, you as a business must provide me with what I want—and John and I want limo service for our wedding.  Would you provide service for a black man and white woman?  Probably not since your silly Christian beliefs have hate and discrimination built into them.  Now I really understand why the state of Wisconsin added sexual orientation as a protected class to our laws.  Without them and with people like you in business, we’d be treated just like the blacks were before the Civil Rights laws were passed.  Black, gay, whatever…we’re all the same.  I’m born gay; you’re born straight.  You’re saying you can marry who you love but I can’t.  We’ll see what the courts say about that!”

“Tyler, again, I don’t hate you and you are free to love anyone you want.  But how is it right for you to try to force me to violate my beliefs about marriage, especially when I have offered repeatedly to refer you to another guy who does limo service.  I’m asking that you respect my beliefs just as you want me to respect yours.”

“I’m through with this conversation, Tom.  You’ll be hearing from John and me—and our attorneys.  In the meantime, you need to go to some diversity training and learn how to treat people. You can’t go around hating gay people and discriminating against them just because of your outdated, narrow religious beliefs.  And by the way, in case you haven’t noticed, across the country guys like you have been losing, man.  Losing their businesses, losing in court, losing money…because just like you, they are so narrow-minded and bigoted.  We don’t tolerate that kind of stuff in Wisconsin and America any more.  We’ll see you in court!”

It hasn’t happened yet in Wisconsin, but the above isn’t at all far-fetched.  What are you willing to stand up for?  What price are you willing to pay to stand for the truth?

Does Your Child’s School Respect Your Family Values?

Reading, Writing……Sexuality and Drugs 

What will your children be learning in the school they attend this year?  Will their teachers and school district support your family values?  

As we approach a new school year, parents need to go the extra mile in checking out their local school district’s website and asking to review curriculum, as well as perusing the school library for inappropriate materials.

>>>>>read more from our friends at Focus on the Family HERE

VOTE TODAY in WI Primary Election – Voter Guide HERE!

Be sure to vote today in Wisconsin’s Fall Primary Election!
  • Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. statewide.
  • Click HERE to see a sample ballot.  (On the home page, most people will click on “Regular Voter.”  From there, follow the online instructions.  When you are on your “My Voter Profile” page, look at the left sidebar.  The second item is “What’s On My Ballot.”  Click on that for your personalized sample ballot.)
  • Click HERE to see Wisconsin Family Action’s endorsements.
  • Click HERE to go to Wisconsin Family Action’s voter guide, personalized for you.
  • If you are not registered to vote, you can do that today at the polls.  You must provide proof of residence.  Click HERE to see what qualifies as “proof of residence.”
  • Call a few friends and family members and remind them to vote. Offer to take them to the polls.

Exercise your Christian civic responsibility and opportunity by voting today for candidates who best share your Christian values.

Primary Election Day: What Wisconsinites Need to Know

Wisconsin’s Primary Election
Tuesday, August 12
YOUR customized voter guide is NOW AVAILABLE – CLICK HERE!  
View WFA Endorsed Candidates HERE!

>>>>>Click HERE for general voter information and to see if you have a primary on your ballot.
>>>>>Click HERE to watch a video that explains how YOU can affect change in Wisconsin, and in Washington, with your VOTE.
>>>>>Click HERE 
to listen to a podcast of WFA president Julaine Appling on radio show Christian Economic Perspective discussing recent Wisconsin Supreme Court decisions and Wisconsin’s Primary Elections.



  • Access the Voter Guide TODAY.  Take a close look.  If you want, print off your local races and be prepared for Election Day on TUESDAY, August 12!
  • SHARE this Voter Guide with everyone you know who is eligible to vote in Wisconsin!  Print off extra copies of the Voter Guide candidate results for your local race and distribute them to neighbors and others in your voting district.  Share in an email, or on your Facebook, and let others know about this valuable voting tool!  
  • VOTE ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 12!  Don’t just do your part in casting a ballot — invite friends!  Fill your car, make it an event!  (Sounds like celebratory ice cream may be in order!)

Excitement and Good Cheer! Christians Getting Involved in Government

From the desk of WFA president Julaine Appling:

I got my first civics lesson pretty early in life. My mom believed people needed to be involved in elections.  So it was natural for her to want me to learn what this politics thing was all about.  Early on she took me with her to put up yard signs and to hand out literature during campaigns.  That was ok, but what really got my attention was when she took me to the polls.

vote-your-values (1)That was back in the day with the big voting machines with the half curtain and all the levers you had to pull for each of the candidates you wanted to vote for.  Holding my hand, Mom would go to the machine, pull the big lever to close the curtain, and then begin pulling the little levers, explaining to me what she was doing and who we were voting for and why.  Then, when she was done, she’d pull the big lever again and I would hear the click click click as all the votes Mom had cast were registered and the curtain would open.  I was hooked—for life.  Voting was a big deal in our family—always.  Both of my parents took it seriously and taught me to as well.  But more than that, I caught the excitement of voting from my mom especially.

Election Day wasn’t just another day in our house; it was an exciting day.  We’d get up early, go to the polls, make some calls and check to see that all of our friends remembered it was Election Day. Then, after the polls closed, we’d gather to watch the returns come in to see if our candidates had won.  It was a fun day, but it was also about responsibility, duty and opportunity for us.  And it remains that for me today.

Frankly, I think all American Christians should find Election Day exciting.  The opportunity to vote shouldn’t be met with “oh no, it’s voting time again. I have to hear and watch all those stupid ads, have who knows how many phone calls and get all that mail.  I just wish it would go away.”  That’s the wrong view!

Some Christians need a change in view and attitude on this issue.  This is a time when we as believers get to directly influence our God-given government, which in itself is a blessing.  Having a Republican form of government rather than a democracy or a dictatorship or really any other kind of government is an incredible blessing, one that we should be grateful for. But this distinctive form of government requires knowledgeable citizen participation to work right.

“We the people” is not just a nice saying; it’s a statement of responsibility.  We as citizens have the duty, the obligation, the honor of participating actively in our government.  As Christians, I believe we have a stewardship responsibility in this area.  Taking a pass, sitting it out is not the answer.  It’s not the right decision. Frankly, it’s that approach that has helped to put us where we are right now in this state and country.  Christians not exercising their civic stewardship.  We should be involved, and we should be involved far more cheerfully and with more excitement than we often are.

WI Voter Guide NOW Available

Go to ivoterguide.com for YOUR WI Voter Guide!

And now you get to practice being involved in your government with some excitement and good cheer by getting ready to vote in the Fall Partisan Primary Election next Tuesday, August 12.   Here are some easy steps to do that. First, visit myvote.wi.gov to find out what races will be on your ballot. Just click on Regular Voter on that home page and then follow the directions. When you get to your voting record, you’ll see “What’s on my ballot” on the left sidebar. Click on that and you’ll see your sample ballot.

Once you know the races, spend some time checking on the candidates and where they stand on the issues important to you.  Visit their web sites, call their campaigns, talk to people who you trust. See if there are voter guides online. I know there are.  If you don’t have access to the internet, call us and we’ll do our best to help you.  Call 888-378-7395; that’s 888-378-7395.

If you can’t make the polls on Tuesday, August 12, you can vote early at your clerk’s office through the close of business this Friday, August 8.  Or you can get an absentee ballot and send it in by mail, but it must reach the clerk no later than Election Day.

And finally, maybe you can be instrumental in lighting a fire on this important issue in the life of a young person, just like my mom did for me.  Think about who you can take with you to the polls and how you will share the excitement you have regarding the blessing of living in America where “we the people” is more than just words on a document.  I’ll see you at the polls!

Early Voting in Wisconsin Begins TODAY

Early election voting has begun at city clerks’ offices

across the state of Wisconsin.

vote-your-values (1)Voters who are unable to get to the polls for the primary election on Tuesday, August 12, are now able to cast their ballots.

Click HERE for general voter information and to see if you have a primary on your ballot.




****BE INFORMED! Click HERE for our NEW Wisconsin Voter Guide! ****

Vote wisely by choosing candidates who:

  • Best align with your values
  • Have a reasonable chance of winning, as evidenced by endorsements, donations, yard signs, phone calls, etc.

NEW! Wisconsin Primary Voter Guide Released

Who are our leaders – REALLY?  
What’s behind the polished speeches
and promises to make our lives better?

>>>>>Click HERE to watch a video that explains how YOU can affect change in Wisconsin, and in Washington, with your VOTE.

Less than 20% of voters actually vote in the PRIMARY elections in their state, yet did you know…

  • primaries determine the election?
  • in low-voter-turnout elections, your vote matters more than ever?
Wisconsin’s Primary Election is Tuesday, August 12.

That’s less than 3 weeks away!  How do you know who to vote for?  Who are the candidates? How have incumbents voted in the past?

YOUR customized voter guide is NOW AVAILABLE – CLICK HERE!  

The Wisconsin Voter Guide is a combination of:

  • Voting records/ratings
  • Financial contributions
  • Endorsements
  • Candidate website
  • Comprehensive candidate survey

Each candidate is evaluated by a panel of volunteers, people like you, who are dedicated to helping others vote wisely.  
Click HERE for general voter information and to see if you have a primary on your ballot.


  • Access the Voter Guide TODAY.  Take a close look.  If you want, print off your local races and be prepared for the Wisconsin Primary Election on August 12!
  • SHARE SHARE SHARE this Voter Guide with everyone you know who is eligible to vote in Wisconsin!  Print off extra copies of the Voter Guide candidate results for your local race and distribute them to neighbors and others in your voting district.
  • Copy and paste this link:  http://goo.gl/ORWhCW  (this is just a shortened URL that goes directly to our WI Voter Guide) in an email, on Twitter, or on your Facebook, and let others know about this valuable voting tool!